Patients who suffer from one or more of the following disorders in the state of Georgia may be eligible for exemption from prosecution for possessing low THC, CBD-rich medical cannabis oil that contains up to 5% THC:
- Cancer, ALS, Seizure disorders
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Crohn’s Disease
- Mitochondrial Disease,
- Parkinson’s Disease,
- Sickle Cell Disease,
- Tourette’s syndrome (when such syndrome is diagnosed as severe)
- Autism spectrum disorder, (when (a) patient is 18 years of age or more, or (b) patient is less than 18 years of age and diagnosed with severe autism)
- Epidermolysis bullosa
- Alzheimer’s disease, when such disease is severe or end stage,
- AIDS when such syndrome is severe or end stage,
- Peripheral neuropathy, (when symptoms are severe or end stage),
- Patient is in hospice program, (either as inpatient or outpatient).
- Chronic Pain
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol)
THC is the best-known cannabinoid and is the primary psychoactive compound. It has also been found to be neuroprotective with analgesic (pain relieving) effects.
CBD (Cannabidiol)
CBD is where many of the medical benefits are attributed to cannabis and has resulted in many strains being ‘enriched’ to increase their CBD content. CBD is not psychoactive.
The state of Georgia allows patients to possess this oil as explained with the supervision of a doctor holding a special certification to prescribe a THC card.
Obtaining the THC card is not difficult as long as all criteria for the state of Georgia is met. Finding the right oil with the right properties and dosage, however is still challenging as there are not enough scientific studies testing the long-term safety and efficacy. All of the positive reviews are observational. The good news is that none of the observations are negative except for the stigma behind marijuana! Doctors are working to change that if the benefits outweigh the risks!
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About the Author
Dr. Woodley Mardy-Davis is fellow-ship trained and triple board certified through The American Board of Anesthesiology and The American Board of Addiction Medicine. Board Certifications include Interventional Spine/Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology and Addiction Medicine. Dr. Davis specializes in nonsurgical and minimally invasive surgical treatments of the spine, and musculoskeletal system.
Dr. Davis’ skills are honed in the fluoroscopically and ultrasound guided procedures to intervene in the disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system. Dr. Davis advocates a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to acute, chronic spine and pain disorders through the use of innovative diagnostic tools, treatment interventions and successful rehabilitation.